FLOW ON (M) (T) PENDULUM 58146/ERG LORDS OF THE UNDERGROUND IT AIN'T HARD. That is absolutely why, if this new game is somehow related to Underground, it should not just be a reused name or a remaster-it has to do now what the original Underground. 1 /Greatest Gainer BUCKTOWN (M) (T) WRECK 20O69/NERVOUS 2 weeks at No. Play and Counterplay from the Situated to the Global Tom Apperley.

Hot Pursuit even got remastered, but again, it failed to capture lightning in a bottle a second time. Most Wanted had a reboot of sorts in 2012, but it failed to capture the excitement of street racing and personal investment in a story as the original 2005 launch did.

Need for Speed had several beloved classic titles that it has tried to bring back in the past decade or so. That’s NOT to say there aren’t popular or good racing games today, but they seem less frequent and competitive compared to older games. Need for Speed Unbound -50 69.99 34.99 Need for Speed 29.99 Need for Speed Heat 69.99 Need for Speed Collection 89.98 Need for Speed Payback 29.99 Need for Speed Rivals 19.99 Need for Speed Most Wanted 19.

It used to be that there were a plethora of high-quality racing games, such as Midnight Club and many of the classic Need for Speed games, but they’ve died down quite a bit. example: C:Program Files (x86)EA GAMESNeed for Speed Underground 2). That’s not to say that this year’s supposed Need for Speed game should be an Underground 1 or 2 Remake, but delivering on a new Underground title would be a nostalgic sell. If you havent played Need for Speed: Underground 2 or want to try this racing.